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New Year, Old You...

At 75% cheese + 15% alcohol, turkey and general over indulgence its only natural that come January our bodies and minds are all a feeling a little in need of some TLC.

From the inhumane amount of cheese to the persistent boxes of chocolates that seem to never run out, our minds and bodies are ready for the New Year reset. Regrettably, the health and fitness industry has jumped on our post cheddar come down and pepper us with promises of Channing Tatum’s abs and Kim’s butt; I mean if all it takes is a cheap monthly membership and a splash of New Year motivation then sign me up! But with up to 80% of new gym memberships getting the axe within the first 8 weeks then surely our year-long commitment to improving our fitness levels are going to crumble quicker than Boris Johnson's backbone!

The truth is, exercise is awesome and most of us at some point in our existence have experienced that warm post-workout feeling, but somewhere along the line life gets in the way and week by week our motivation begins to gather dust along with our new trainers and sweat wicking training gear. The reality is that for most human people, traditional forms of exercise just aren’t that enjoyable or sustainable; lonely long runs, gyms stuffed full of contradictory advice and mirrors and bike rides spent inhaling car fumes and dodging pot holes. Ultimately, one of the biggest drivers for a sustainably healthy lifestyle is consistently missing - fun!

Enjoyment was voted “the most desirable fitness experience” by a country mile in a recent study and yet the opportunities that surround us demand we sweat ourselves silly by following this super strict new Crossbootybusterhiitin15minutessmashclassonaunibikeathome programme with the carrot of a massive ass and shredded abs but where is the fun, the enjoyment and gut busting laughter?

At Active Souls our primary objective is and always will be FUN! Fun like we used to have when we played as children, back when the streetlights were our curfew and IT was decided by a quick game if ip, dip. Sure, there are some really cool benefits of playing games at max speed and we talk about them all the time but we believe that enjoyment is the true silver bullet to engaging you guys in your long term health improvement.

No, "life changing body transformations" do not come as standard but a high intensity dose of tag and big laughs over a long period of time stands more chance of improving your overall health and wellbeing than short intermittent bursts of monotonous circuits and gym routines.

Don't believe us? Just ask Jacob, an Inactive Soul if he does say so himself...

In our constantly growing tribe of Active Souls we have seen a remarkable return rate of players who arrive curious and come back committed, enjoyment is a wonderful thing and we should do more of that which we enjoy...starting with Active Souls. Play as adults is a whole load of cool things, its an opportunity to get a sweat on (up to 600 cals in an hour session), meet new people in a super friendly environment, live completely in the moment as you dodge projectiles and think creatively as you try to strategically plot victory over your opponents.

2019 is not the year for the "New Year, New You" B.S. its the year you step ever so slightly out of your comfort zone and unleash the OLD YOU…the inner child you!

If you want to get involved then hit us up on Social Media or fire us an email at

Still not sure? Have a read of Jacobs testimonial and see if one of our longest serving Active Souls can't convince you!

Happy New Year + see you at your next Active Souls session...

Mikey + Hattie + The entire AS Tribe x


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