Active Souls was the brain child of our Founder Mikey Haslett. Established in 2018 we have been on a steep learning curve ever since. The original concept was really straight forward; repurpose childhood games for adults, presenting an alternative to a traditional, modern fitness solution. But as we evolved we discovered that we have truly tapped into something much deeper.
You see, when we engage in play, be it as children or throughout adulthood, we enter a state of freedom, our days concerns appear to fade away and throwing a ball at someone does incredible things for making a great first impression and breaking the ice.
Play is immersive, it is fun, it allows the younger version of ourself to leap out and express themselves. With a crafty rule adaptation, the creative player is entertained, with a well matched 1 v 1, the Competitor is engaged and thrilled. It has now fallen on the shoulders of the team at Active Souls to spread the message, Play is awesome and it does not need to end just because we age. Our all time favourite quote states that we do not stop playing because we grow older, we grow older because we stop playing. The more Active Souls that we create, the more the world will wake up to and begin to harness the Power of Play.

Why should you care about Unlocking the Power of Play? What we have found is the perfect antidote to Modern living, playing games in the fashion that we do, in the environment that we create and the smiles that we witness every single week demonstrates that we may have have found the perfect antidote to modern living. A lofty claim.
Our Tribe classes are the perfect example. There is of course the classic post exercise endorphin rush but Active Souls hits different. Perhaps it is meeting new people, throwing balls at strangers does away with social niceties, perhaps its from the lack of judgement, the feeling that your problems have melted away.
With over 15 years experience as a sports coach in many different guises our founder Mikey started with a little insider knowledge on how to provide an epic time using playground games.
With a background as a half decent 400m Hurdler, Mikey grew up playing each and every sport available to him and so long as he was moving, he was happy. A Mover by nature, a Competitor by nurture, Mikey's play personality shines brightest in movement, be it on two legs or two wheels, the higher up the better!